Hi! Welcome to check out my process.
I don't have a studio at the moment so I just make a mess at home...
Something I started a while back. I always begin with just one shape ( or sometimes two ) and color. Then I let it rest and come back to it maybe a week or so later to see where it want's to go from here.
For me it's like a dialogue. I have to really listen, really pay attention to get the input I need to move to the next step...
Close up of details and texures.
Time is crucial. I check for various states of dryness to know when to add the next layer or to get some texture.
When I'm done with layer upon layer of water color wash it's time to add the final layer.
Trying out different shapes and angels with scrap paper.
Adding some text, or a line from a poem.
Getting som help in creating that mess...
Guess these two are done!
As well as this large one ( 165x115cm )
This is what the large format ones look like framed ( I'm 178 tall...for size reference )
Thanks for checking in!